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Bridging Hearts and Communities: The Inspiring Journey of James and Stormy Curtis through Paulding County Uncensored and Buy Georgia Realty


James and Stormy Curtis, the dynamic duo behind Paulding County Uncensored, embarked on a journey that transcends the traditional narrative of love stories. Their tale began in 1999 when they crossed paths during their senior year. Fast forward to 2007, the year they officially sealed their love in marriage. Parenthood soon followed, with the joyous arrival of their first child in 2010, followed closely by another bundle of joy in 2011.

It was around 2010 or 2011 that James and Stormy noticed a gap in their community—there was no central hub for information about the happenings in and around Paulding. Fueled by the desire to bridge this information gap, they birthed the idea of Paulding County Uncensored. What started as a Facebook page soon evolved into a powerhouse of community engagement.

During a period when the community seemed relatively quiet, Stormy took the reins of community involvement. Hosting events in PB Ritch Middle School’s parking lot, she welcomed thousands, inviting small businesses to showcase their offerings at minimal costs. Notably, the proceeds not only covered costs but were generously donated to various nonprofits within the area. This act of giving back became a cornerstone of their mission.

Paulding County Uncensored’s growth took flight when Paulding Airport invited them to partner on “Flick on the Flight Line.” The duo began working with different entities within the county, organizing events, bringing in small businesses, and providing advertising solutions. What began as a digital platform expanded into a print venture, distributing thousands of papers monthly to local establishments.

Recognizing the changing landscape, the couple transitioned their focus to business consulting and coaching, emphasizing marketing and advertising. In 2017, facing a hardship due to their commitment to providing affordable or free services, they navigated a new path—Real Estate. Stormy obtained her license, followed by James, opening the doors to Buy Georgia Realty.

Community outreach remained at the forefront as they secured their licenses. Their mentorship initiatives, diverse events, and networking sessions, including the investment in a dedicated building for three years, showcased their commitment to community building. In 2024, Stormy’s pursuit of a broker license will elevate Buy Georgia Realty into a brokerage, housing agents and providing cutting-edge technology, impactful events, and unwavering support.

James and Stormy’s journey has been a testament to their resilience and unwavering commitment to community impact. Through Paulding County Uncensored and Buy Georgia Realty, they continue to leave an indelible mark, enriching lives and fostering connections within the vibrant tapestry of Paulding County.

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