Home Entrepreneur Discover Pickled Pear: A Delightful Journey Through Curated Finds and Unique Treasures

Discover Pickled Pear: A Delightful Journey Through Curated Finds and Unique Treasures

From Vintage Finds to Pantry Delights: The Evolution of Pickled Pear and Its Passionate Owner


Nestled in Booths 17-18 in Building 1, with an Annex shop in Booth 58 at The Dallas Markets, Pickled Pear stands as a testament to passion and dedication. Founded by Jenny Mills in August 2016, Pickled Pear began with a simple yet profound inspiration: an original oil painting of three pears by her artist niece. This artistic spark ignited Jenny’s journey into the world of curated primitives and vintage finds.

Initially, Jenny focused on sourcing local handmade items such as quilts, soaps, and candles, alongside creating her own jewelry and upcycling furniture. Her love for the craft and the joy in every step of the process drove her forward. Over the years, Pickled Pear has evolved significantly, leading Jenny to explore four states and over eleven locations. Each move was a step in her growth, and her return to Dallas holds special significance, as it has always been close to her heart.

At The Dallas Markets, Jenny is thrilled to be among familiar faces and cherished vendors from her early Pickled Pear days. The market’s diverse vendor base and the supportive community resonate deeply with her, reflecting her own business philosophy of offering something for everyone. The atmosphere during vendor days is akin to one big family, which Jenny finds both comforting and inspiring.

Pickled Pear’s journey has brought about a new addition: Pickled Pear Pantry. This latest venture focuses on premium jams, jellies, sauces, seasonings, nuts, and beverage syrups, catering to a growing demand for high-quality consumables. Jenny’s commitment to providing a broad selection of items, sourced from a variety of wholesalers, ensures that customers always find something to love. Her approach to business involves selecting items she would personally cherish and monitoring inventory to keep the best-selling products well-stocked.

Jenny’s background in teaching and her mother’s influence as a business owner have shaped her entrepreneurial spirit. Despite the challenges of relocating, her return to Dallas, where she previously contributed to The Old Mills Antiques, feels like coming home. In addition to her thriving business, Jenny has also published a children’s book titled Two Wishes, available exclusively at The Dallas Markets.

Social media plays a crucial role in showcasing Pickled Pear’s offerings, allowing Jenny to connect with her customers and highlight new finds. The community support she receives from The Dallas Markets is invaluable, and one of her favorite memories is encountering a store owner in Fort Payne, Alabama, who recognized Pickled Pear from Facebook. This moment underscored the impact of persistence and passion in building a strong brand and reputation.

Jenny Mills continues to build Pickled Pear with the same enthusiasm and dedication that inspired its creation. Her vision is to cultivate a successful business that can be passed down to her grandchildren, and her unwavering commitment to her craft ensures that Pickled Pear will remain a beloved destination for unique and curated treasures.

As Pickled Pear continues to thrive and evolve, Jenny Mills remains dedicated to bringing joy and unique treasures to her customers. Whether you’re looking for curated vintage finds or premium pantry items, Pickled Pear offers something special for everyone. For more information or to explore the latest offerings, feel free to reach out to Jenny directly.

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Jenny looks forward to connecting with you and sharing the magic of Pickled Pear!

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