Home Elections 2024 Jeff Fuller for Paulding County School Board At Large

Jeff Fuller for Paulding County School Board At Large

Insight into Paulding County Candidates: Jeff Fuller for Paulding County School Board At Large


At the close of March, we initiated contact with all Paulding County candidates, extending an invitation for them to address common questions posed by the community. Enclosed are their unaltered responses to these inquiries, providing insight into their respective stances. While not all candidates opted to participate, we believe that understanding their viewpoints is pivotal in making informed decisions as constituents.

Jeff Fuller’s ANSWERS

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Jeff Fuller. I was elected to the BOE in 2016 and served as Chairman in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Currently, I am the Vice Chair. I am married to Lindsey Eberhart Fuller, who serves as the Paulding County Coroner. We have two boys in Paulding Schools, one a Sophomore and the other in 8th grade. We attend Villa Rica First Baptist Church, where I serve as the church drummer in the music ministry. I have worked in the automotive industry for 19 years, 18 of which as a Finance and Business manager.
  1. What inspired you to run for the position of School Board Member, At Large, in Paulding County? As a father of two boys in our school system, I felt inspired to run for office and serve our community. I am deeply passionate about education and committed to ensuring our students have access to the best educational opportunities possible. Our students are the future, and it’s essential that we strive to maximize their success.
  1. What do you believe are the most significant challenges currently facing the education system in Paulding County? In Paulding County, our education system faces several significant challenges. These biggest issues that directly impact our schools are funding and parental participation in our students’ academic life. Of course, there are more that also require our active support. First, we must address funding to ensure that our schools have the necessary resources for quality education. Second, demographic changes. Shifting student populations and anticipated growth over the next decade demand adaptation. Third, we recognize external community factors that influence student success. Fourth, we must continue to focus on career readiness and equipping students with skills for the workforce and beyond. Finally, student mental health is critical, and we must continually enhance resources and support to meet their needs effectively.
  1. How do you plan to address issues of student achievement and academic performance across all schools in Paulding County? Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, recent Georgia Milestones Assessment results reveal that Paulding County students are maintaining their academic standing. In 19 out of 20 subject areas, our students achieved scores at Levels 2, 3,and 4 (Proficient and Advanced), surpassing the state average. However, there remains room for improvement, particularly in secondary mathematics. Data-driven decision-making plays a crucial role in shaping policies and practices. Regular assessment and analysis help identify areas for enhancement. Additionally, parent and community engagement are vital. Involving parents, families, and community members in decision-making contributes significantly to student success. School safety policies are essential. Creating a safe and supportive learning environment enhances student well-being and academic performance. As a School Board member, my primary tool for governing the school district is effective policy-making. Collaboration among parents, policymakers, educators, and community stakeholders is key. By implementing evidence-based strategies and addressing specific needs, we are elevating student achievement across the district.
  1. What strategies do you propose to enhance teacher recruitment, retention, and professional development in Paulding County? We have been working diligently on this issue for the last three years since before Superintendent Barnett was hired. I have supported every effort we have put in place to enhance our workplace culture and give teachers more support. In our efforts to enhance teacher recruitment, retention, and professional development in Paulding County, we have been actively considering several strategies. These include ensuring adequate funding for schools to support our exceptional teachers, fostering a positive culture that empowers and retains educators, and collaborating with local colleges and universities through Grow-Your-Own Programs. These programs encourage students to return to Paulding County after earning their degrees, with guaranteed admission to teacher preparation programs for associate degree holders. Additionally, we emphasize Teacher Mentorship Programs, pairing new teachers with experienced mentors to provide ongoing support during their early years, enhancing job satisfaction and effectiveness. Addressing mental health and well-being is also a priority, offering resources for stress management and work-life balance. Ultimately, a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among district leaders, educators, and community stakeholders will strengthen the teaching profession in Paulding County .
  1. What is your stance on school safety and security measures, and how do you plan to ensure a safe learning environment for students and staff? As a school board member in Paulding County, the 11th largest school district out of 180 districts in Georgia, I wholeheartedly champion robust safety measures to protect our students and staff. Over the course of my tenure, we have meticulously crafted a comprehensive plan that prioritizes safety and security. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance; we strive to be at the forefront of safety practices in the state. We already have the plan and basic building blocks in place to build out a robust safety and security staff over the next 2-5 years. I support the creation of an internal School Police Force that would be specifically trained for our Schools. That in conjunction with our Sheriff’s Department, we can offer a robust safety solution with an armed presence at every campus along with many “stealth” options. This will take a ton of pressure off the Sheriff’s department. I have spoken to both Sheriff Candidates and they support this plan and welcome the collaboration.

Our school district in Paulding County, Georgia, is committed to ensuring a safe learning environment. While we don’t disclose every security measure publicly, we have a step-by-step plan that evolves each year. To sustain and enhance this strategy, we rely on ongoing support from our State Legislature. The list provided serves as a foundation but is not exhaustive. Together, we work diligently to safeguard our schools and prioritize the well-being of everyone within our educational community.

  • Pre-Incident Planning: We develop thorough plans to prevent and respond to active shooter incidents. These plans include communication strategies, training sessions, and exercises.
  • Workplace Violence Prevention: Educators and staff receive training to recognize early signs of potential violence, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Effective Communication: During emergencies, we emphasize clear and efficient communication. Mass notification systems promptly alert students, staff, and parents.
  • Training and Awareness: Regular training sessions equip staff and students to handle active shooter scenarios. Our awareness campaigns promote vigilance and safety.
  • Run, Hide, Fight: Occupants are trained in the Run, Hide, Fight protocol:
    • Run: Evacuate if possible.
    • Hide: Find a secure location and remain hidden.
    • Fight: As a last resort, confront the threat.
  • Physical Security Measures:
    • Hard Controls: These include access control systems, security cameras, and reinforced doors.
    • Soft Controls: Behavioral and procedural aspects, such as visitor management protocols and staff training.
  • Collaboration with Law Enforcement: We work closely with local law enforcement agencies to coordinate responses and enhance security.
  • Emergency Drills: Regular drills ensure that students and staff know how to react during an active shooter situation.
  • Threat Assessment Teams: These teams assess potential threats and take preventive measures.
  • Parent and Community Involvement: Engaging parents and the community fosters a collective commitment to safety.

These measures, among others, form our comprehensive approach to safeguarding our schools and ensuring the well-being of everyone within our educational community.

  1. How would you address concerns related to student mental health and well-being within Paulding County schools? During my tenure on the School board, the district has recognized that Students mental health is an important correlation to being able to learn and grow. The district with the guidance of the school board has implemented many practices to address student mental health and continue to work to add to our program so every student has the ability to thrive mentally to improve the quality of their educations. As a member of the Paulding County School Board, I am deeply committed to addressing student mental health and well-being within our district. During my tenure, we have recognized that students’ mental health is a critical factor in their ability to learn and grow. Here are some of the practices we have implemented to support our students:
  • School Counselors: Our school counselors are available to students for support on various life issues, emotional well-being, and mental health concerns. They have access to valuable resources and can guide students through challenges.
  • Therapist Support: When students require additional mental health support, we provide access to therapists. These professionals can meet with students at school, home, or in offices. Confidentiality is strictly maintained during these sessions.
  • Suicide Prevention: Our staff is trained in suicide prevention. If a student is experiencing suicidal thoughts or is concerned about a friend, we encourage them to reach out to a trusted adult or contact crisis lines promptly.
  • Mental Health Information and Resources: We offer an online Mental Health Resource Options list, covering topics such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sexual abuse, substance use, and suicide. Parents, teachers, and all stakeholders can access this valuable information.
  • Digital Citizenship: Promoting responsible and safe technology use is crucial. We emphasize digital citizenship, ensuring students understand their online rights and responsibilities. Respect, connection, and protection are key principles in this context.
  • Grief and Loss Resources: For students and family members dealing with grief and loss, we provide resources to help cope with the emotional impact.

Additionally, our school psychologists play a vital role in supporting students’ academic, social, behavioral, and emotional well-being. They collaborate closely with families, teachers, and the community to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

Together, we strive to ensure every student can thrive mentally, ultimately enhancing the quality of their education.

  1. How do you plan to engage with parents, guardians, and the broader community to gather feedback and address their concerns effectively? As an engaged member of the Paulding County School Board, I am committed to actively engaging with parents, guardians, and the broader community. I recognize that effective communication is essential, while also respecting the boundaries set by the school district. Here’s how I personally approach this important task:

Transparent Communication:

I make it a priority to regularly communicate with parents and community members. Sharing updates, decisions, and policies openly fosters trust and keeps everyone informed.

Community Meetings and Forums:

I have actively participated in town halls, community forums, and school board meetings. Additionally, I leverage email and direct calls to listen to concerns, answer questions, and gather valuable feedback.

Active Listening:

Understanding the needs and perspectives of parents and community members is crucial. I actively listen to their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This happens often through my interactions at the school level and during feedback sessions across the district involving employees, parents, and community stakeholders and of course, my kids who are in the schools every day.

Collaborative Decision-Making:

Involving parents and community leaders in decision-making processes is essential. Seeking their input on critical matters ensures a well-rounded perspective.

Parent Advisory Committees:

Our established committees include parents, guardians, and community members. Through these committees, board members gain valuable insights and recommendations via the Superintendent.

School Visits and Events:

Attending school events, such as sporting events, band performances, and student showcases, allows me to engage directly with families and students. These interactions provide valuable insights.

Advocacy and Partnerships:

We actively advocate for resources, funding, and policies that benefit our students. Collaborating with local organizations and businesses further supports education within our community.

Professional Development:

Our board prioritizes continuous learning. We review and update our practices based on best practices. Our commitment to professional development has earned us the “Exemplary Board Status” for several years. We attend workshops, conferences, and training sessions both in person and online to enhance our community engagement strategies.

Successful school board members find a balance between actively engaging with the community and fulfilling their duties to the district and, most importantly, to our students.

  1. What measures would you propose to improve special education services and support for students with disabilities in Paulding County? As a board member, I wholeheartedly recognize the critical importance of enhancing special education services and support for students with disabilities in Paulding County. I also recognize that we have a long way to go.

And… To our special needs kids and their families, we want you to know that we see you and we are committed to supporting our staff as best we can, so they can effectively serve you.  On average, we spend around 30% more on our almost 5,000 students with special needs.  Adequately funding our ESEP programs and using our resources as efficiently and effectively as possible is my priority and a priority of my colleagues on the Board. Our ESEP Kids are, without a doubt, seen by me as a board member and I have done a meeting each of the last two years with several board members offsite to hear directly from families that have to navigate educating a child with Special Needs. I am committed to supporting our staff to do anything and everything we can for our ESEP Students. One thing for sure, we could certainly use far more financial resources and support from the State and Federal Levels where possible.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are really important. We work closely with parents, teachers, and specialists to make sure each student gets the help they need. These plans help students succeed. We also make sure our teachers get the training they need to support students with disabilities. They learn things like how to teach different kinds of learners and how to use special technology and I believe in including students with disabilities in regular classrooms as much as possible. This helps them learn better and feel included. We also start helping students with disabilities early, so they don’t struggle later. We’ve been successful in this for the past few years. We also involve parents and the community in decision-making, which helps families feel empowered.

We make plans to help students transition from school to adult life smoothly. This includes teaching them life skills and helping them find jobs. We also focus on dealing with behavior issues early on, so students can learn in a safe environment. We work with mental health professionals to make sure students get the support they need. We spend money on things like special technology and extra teachers to help students with disabilities. We always check how well our programs are working and make changes when needed. We offer different kinds of support, like small group classes and programs for students with severe behavior issues.

I believe in working together with teachers, families (especially parents), and the community to make sure every student gets what they need to succeed.

  1. Can you outline your strategy for reducing dropout rates and increasing graduation rates in Paulding County schools? As we all know, reducing dropout rates is crucial for our students’ success. And guess what? It’s not just about what happens in the classroom! We need a little help from Mom and Dad too. Here are some strategies we’ve been working on over the last two years…

Early interventions are a cornerstone of the approach. We emphasize engaging parents early on, recognizing the significant impact of their involvement. Quality preschool programs are an integral part of our efforts, laying the foundation for academic excellence. Additionally, fostering early literacy development is paramount in bridging potential learning gaps. We employ a variety of basic strategies to support our students: Personalized mentoring and tutoring provide tailored assistance to students facing challenges. Service-learning initiatives connect classroom learning to real-world experiences through community service involvement. Alternative schooling options offer flexibility to students who may benefit from a non-traditional educational setup. After-school and out-of-school opportunities ensure continuous learning beyond regular school hours.

In our pursuit of boosting graduation rates, we have devised a comprehensive game plan. We have a systemic approach that is central to our district’s vision, which focuses on preparing all students for success in both their academic endeavors and future careers. Emphasizing engagement, inspiration, and college/career readiness forms the core of our strategy. Again, we are utilizing data-driven instruction to guide our teaching practices, with teachers utilizing data to tailor their instruction effectively. Professional learning communities (PLCs) facilitate collaborative efforts among educators, ensuring that every student receives the necessary support.

We have set a graduation rate goal of increasing from 88% to 90% by the 2022-2023 school year. While the pandemic posed challenges, we remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving this target and have resumed our efforts with renewed focus on keeping our children in school and graduating.

  1. How do you plan to leverage technology and innovation to enhance teaching and learning experiences in Paulding County schools? One significant impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic was the imperative to swiftly harness our technological resources and opportunities to maintain continuity in learning and classroom engagement for all students. Providing families with options in education was paramount to me, and facilitating remote learning for certain students became a pivotal aspect of our strategy. This necessitated a comprehensive reevaluation and utilization of our technological capabilities unlike anything we had previously undertaken. As a result, we have transitioned to a 1-to-1 district model, ensuring that every middle and high school student is equipped with a laptop for educational purposes. Moving forward, we are committed to further enhancing our technological infrastructure to not only optimize cost-efficiency but also to guarantee success for every student, positioning our district as a leader in technology integration within the state. I am committed to integrating technology and innovation to enhance teaching and learning experiences. I have outlined some of the current strategies we are using that were born from our work over the last three years:
  • Technology Division:
    • The PCSD Technology Division ensures effective technology solutions, applications, equipment, and infrastructure.
    • They provide training, support, and service to integrate technology as a vital component of teaching and learning.
  • AIM Academy of Engineering and Technology:
    • The AIM Academy offers innovative educational programs where students use the engineering process to analyze, model, and create solutions to real-world problems.
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics):
    • PCSD emphasizes STEM education, integrating these disciplines into cohesive learning based on real-world applications.
    • Schools like Paulding County High School, Hiram High School, and South Paulding High School have specialized STEM programs.
  • Digital Citizenship:
    • PCSD promotes responsible and safe use of technology. Students learn about digital rights, responsibilities, and positive online behavior.

By leveraging technology, innovation, and community partnerships, We are offering a dynamic and enriching learning environment for all students utilizing our technology resources.

  1. What steps would you take to ensure transparency and accountability in school board decision-making processes? The Paulding County School Board is well-known for its commitment to transparency. Personally, I consider government transparency a fundamental principle, and I ensure that we uphold it with the utmost seriousness. Here are the measures we undertake daily to maintain transparency for our constituents – the voters, parents, and, ultimately, the students we serve. By implementing robust protocols, we prioritize transparency and accountability in our decision-making processes. Here are some specific steps we take:
  • Board Meetings and Agendas:
    • Regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public. Agendas are published in advance, allowing stakeholders to review topics for discussion.
  • Public Comment Periods:
    • During board meetings, time is allocated for public comments. Community members can express their views, concerns, and suggestions.
  • Board Policies and Procedures:
    • The district maintains a comprehensive set of board policies. These policies guide decision-making and ensure consistency.
  • Community Engagement:
    • The board actively engages with parents, guardians, teachers, and community members. Town halls, forums, and surveys gather input.
  • Annual Reports and Accountability Measures:
    • The board publishes annual reports on student achievement, financial status, and district performance.
    • They collaborate with state education agencies to meet accountability requirements.
  • Chain of Command:
    • The district establishes a clear chain of command for reporting concerns or communicating with school staff members.
  • Legislative Priorities:
    • The board advocates for legislative priorities that align with the district’s goals and community needs.

By continuously utilizing these measures, the Paulding County School Board ensures transparency, fosters community trust, and remains accountable to its stakeholders. Our Board has been recognized multiple years in a row for exemplary practices in these areas  by the Georgia School Boards Association.

  1. How would you advocate for the needs of students from low-income families or marginalized communities in Paulding County? I have steadfastly supported and truly believe our School District showcases its dedication to advocating for the needs of students from low-income families and marginalized communities through a range of initiatives and practices. We are consistently striving to enhance the availability of needs-based assistance across the district. While we acknowledge being a Low Wealth district, there is certainly room for improvement, but our foremost goal remains ensuring the success of all our students. To achieve this, we employ several strategies and continuously seek to augment resources where possible. Here are a few:
  • Mental Wellness Resources:
    • The district provides mental health resources and support for students. School counselors and therapists are available to assist students with emotional well-being.
  • Behavioral Supports:
    • The Behavioral Support Team (BST) includes individuals trained in behavioral psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and special education. They assist students in maximizing their strengths and improving behavior.
  • Community Engagement:
    • PCSD actively engages with parents, guardians, and community members. They seek input, address concerns, and collaborate to meet the diverse needs of students.
  • Student Achievement:
    • PCSD consistently monitors student achievement data. Recent results from the 2021-2022 Georgia Milestones Assessment show that students are holding the line academically despite pandemic challenges.
  • Digital Citizenship:
    • PCSD promotes responsible and positive use of technology. Students learn about digital rights, responsibilities, and safe online behavior.
  • Grief and Loss Resources:
    • The district provides resources for students and family members dealing with grief and loss issues.
  • School Psychologists:
    • PCSD employs school psychologists who support students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being. They collaborate with families and educators to create a supportive learning environment.
  • Alternative Paulding Family Connection Directory:
    • The Paulding Family Connection Resource Handbook provides additional community resources for families in need.

Through these efforts, along with effective policy management, we strive to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, receives the support and opportunities they need to succeed. 

  1. What is your vision for the future of education in Paulding County, and what specific goals do you hope to achieve if elected? My vision is to continue to review every policy and build a foundation for education in Paulding County to prioritize the well-being of students, foster fairness, and embrace innovative practices that help our kids obtain the goals they have set forth for themselves and hopefully show them things they hadn’t considered. We keep learning and adjusting every year. But we must do these things well too starting with a few important building blocks like…
  • Parental Involvement:
    • Engage parents actively in their child’s education.
    • Encourage family values and community support.
  • Equal Opportunities for All Students:
    • Ensure that every student, regardless of background, has access to quality education.
  • Character Education and Discipline:
    • Prioritize teaching values, ethics, and personal responsibility.
    • Maintain a strong focus on discipline and respectful behavior.
  • Career Preparation:
    • Equip students with practical skills for the workforce.
    • Foster partnerships with local businesses and industries.
    • Expand greatly on our CTAE Offerings to give Students who do not want to go to college ability to obtain well-paying jobs out of high school.
  • Academic Excellence:
    • Set high standards for student achievement.
    • Emphasize core subjects like math, science, and literacy.
  • Safe and Structured Learning Environments:
    • Ensure schools are safe places for learning.
    • Implement clear rules and expectations.
  • Local Control and Accountability:
    • Empower local communities to make decisions.
    • Hold schools accountable for results.

Listening to our kids and helping them navigate the world to consider opportunities they may have otherwise never thought about is important to me.

  1. How do you plan to address overcrowding issues and manage student enrollment growth in Paulding County schools? We have recently passed E-SPLOST 7 ahead of schedule. This decision enables our school district to issue bonds to continue building and updating schools in alignment with our newly developed 10-year facilities plan. The 10-year plan was meticulously crafted through a comprehensive review of our existing facilities. We established a renovation and modification schedule, informed by insights from a demographer. This approach ensures that we address the district’s upcoming needs over the coming years. Moving forward, the district will regularly update this living document. Our adjustments will be guided by available funding, county infrastructure considerations, and shifts in population dynamics. For those interested in reviewing the details, you can find the information on our dedicated page: Paulding County School District Facilities Plan.  https://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/Page/39253
  1. What is your stance on standardized testing, and how do you plan to ensure a balanced approach to assessment and accountability? Standardized testing is a touchy subject.  I am not opposed to alternative methods to evaluate student performance that does not stress students to the max.  However, I firmly believe that standardized testing plays a crucial role in our education system. By objectively measuring student performance, it prevents favoritism and ensures that results take precedence over good intentions. Accountability is essential for evaluating both schools and teachers. These tests provide a benchmark to assess student learning and identify areas for improvement. Without such assessments, it becomes challenging to gauge educational effectiveness. Standardized tests offer valuable insights into student progress, allowing educators to tailor their teaching strategies. Regular assessments help maintain high academic standards and address learning gaps. I advocate for maintaining rigorous standards because I recognize that abandoning accountability can negatively impact student outcomes, especially for disadvantaged families.
  1. How would you address concerns related to bullying, harassment, and discrimination in schools, and ensure a positive school climate for all students? I believe that we should always work to create a safe and inclusive school environment. This is essential for the well-being and success of all students. We use most of this already, but we do need to find a balance in reporting, investigation, and ultimately action.

Assessment and Awareness:

  1. Conduct anonymous surveys to understand the frequency, locations, and types of bullying behavior.
  2. Involve students and school community members to gain insights into the current landscape.
  3. Work to develop school specific intervention plans.

Safe and Supportive Environment:

  1. Set a tone of respect in classrooms and common areas.
  2. Monitor places where bullying is likely to occur, such as bathrooms, playgrounds, and cafeterias.
  3. Involve staff in the process and reinforce daily.
  4. Teach students skills to understand and manage emotions.
  5. Promote empathy, positive relationships, and responsible decision-making.

Role Modeling and Personal Connections and Parental Involvement:

  1. Be a role model by treating all students and colleagues respectfully.
  2. Demonstrate appropriate boundaries and positive relationships.
  3. Mentors to make connections with those students identified as susceptible to bullying.

Clear Policies and Reporting Mechanisms:

  1. Communicate clear policies and protocols for addressing bullying behaviors to staff, students, and parents.
  2. Empower bystanders to report incidents safely.
  3. Provide anonymous channels to report.

Remember, everyone in the school community plays a vital role in creating a positive climate where every student feels safe, respected, and valued.

  1. Can you outline your approach to promoting parental involvement and engagement in their children’s education? I am deeply committed to encouraging greater parental involvement in their children’s education. Let’s envision a scenario where parents and schools collaborate closely, much like long-standing friends navigating life’s challenges together. This partnership is facilitated through channels such as newsletters, websites, and social media platforms, creating a well-connected community. We do much of that now as we are constantly looking for ways to involve and get parents to engage.

The collaboration between educators and parents should mirror the supportive relationship of families, working to share in both successes and challenges. Parents, central to this partnership, play a vital role by actively participating in classrooms, attending school events, and contributing insights in advisory roles.

Moreover, I am dedicated to making academic challenges more understandable for parents, such as deciphering algebra problems with good ole math and not common core. Additionally, the provision of user-friendly digital resources aims to enhance accessibility and usability for mom and dad to help their kids. We have made this too hard, and we have to push back at the state level when these deviations from “tried and true” ways enter into the mix..

Recognizing and appreciating parental contributions is crucial, along with a willingness to listen to their feedback. Their insights guide us towards continuous improvement, ensuring progress and success.

With robust parental engagement, schools become welcoming centers filled with energy, optimism, and opportunities for the future.

  1. What measures would you propose to address the shortage of qualified educators and support staff in Paulding County schools? Over the past few years, our board and I have closely collaborated with our superintendent, especially in response to the Covid crisis that was so brutal on our teachers and staff, to cultivate a more welcoming environment for teachers in our schools. We want to attract and retain the best. Despite our financial constraints regarding teacher salaries, we believe in our ability to positively influence their lives by fostering a strong work culture and striving to maintain smaller class sizes. Smaller classes not only aid in teacher retention (and attraction) but also facilitate effective child education. Excessive student numbers in a class and frequent disruptions can detrimentally impact all involved, a reality I am keenly aware of. I want our teachers to know that I genuinely care about their work environment, constantly seeking budget-neutral means to offer them perks and freedoms possibly overlooked in other districts. We’re exploring and implementing avenues for both Paras and Teachers to access professional development opportunities, which can lead to better salaries. Every day, we’re attentive to ways we can make even minor improvements to ease the burden for our teachers and staff. These initiatives are designed to enhance their quality of life within our school district.
  1. How do you plan to advocate for increased state funding for education and address budgetary challenges facing Paulding County schools? I am dedicated to collaborating with my fellow board members to effectively communicate and propose legislative priorities for our local delegation to review. Our local delegation is focused on advocating for Paulding County and addressing the needs of our citizens, students, and community as a whole. It’s crucial to elect a school board member who comprehends how the government operates at the state level. Working alongside the state government to explore solutions for challenges like overcrowding, constructing new schools, and improving infrastructure to ease traffic congestion is imperative for the Paulding County school district. We will persist in advocating for state funding to address these issues in Paulding County, and I am fully committed to this cause.
  1. Can you share your thoughts on the role of arts education and extracurricular activities in promoting student engagement and success? Fine Arts education holds significant importance in shaping students’ learning experiences. I strongly advocate for students’ involvement in extracurricular activities, recognizing the multitude of interests they may have. As a parent of two, I’ve witnessed my children explore various interests over time. From my perspective, Fine Arts, encompassing disciplines like music, drama, and visual arts, offers invaluable lessons to students. Unfortunately, there has been a decline in music education, especially evident in elementary schools. Addressing this decline early on is crucial to maintaining students’ interest. The middle grades play a pivotal role in sustaining students’ engagement. Through Fine Arts, students develop critical thinking skills, discipline, and a strong work ethic. I am committed to collaborating with students, parents, and educators to develop initiatives that promote increased participation in Fine Arts programs.
  1. What initiatives would you propose to support students’ college and career readiness in Paulding County schools? I think Paulding County has done a great job of preparing our students for college and continues to improve each year. However, the rising cost of college has made it unaffordable for some families and graduating seniors are questioning whether it’s worth the long-term investment. This has changed my perspective on the importance of college. It is crucial to expand our CTAE programs in Career Academies as quickly as possible. I believe that students who choose not to pursue higher education should still graduate with marketable skills that can help them find good-paying jobs in our community. We have a variety of professions in our county, including teachers, nurses, police officers, firefighters, and tradespeople like Plumbers, Carpenters, and HVAC Techs. By enhancing these programs, we can provide our students with certifications they need to obtain high paying jobs and provide them with more options as they enter the workforce after graduation.
  1. Lastly, what closing thoughts or insights would you like to share with voters in Paulding County regarding your candidacy for School Board Member, At Large? Over the past 8 years, I’ve tirelessly safeguarded taxpayers while prioritizing student success in the classroom. My unwavering commitment to lower taxes sets me apart. We need a leader who staunchly opposes bullying, divisive indoctrination, and who genuinely prioritizes students’ well-being. It’s imperative to elect someone who collaborates effectively with local government to manage rapid growth. As a parent and citizen, I empathize with our community’s concerns and pledge to work collaboratively for solutions. Let’s enhance both education quality and our overall quality of life in Paulding County. I respectfully ask for your vote on May 21st.

For further insight into Jeff Fuller’s platform and initiatives, please visit his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Jeff.Fuller.For.School.Board 

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