HomeElections 2024Scott Richards for Commissioner Post 4 

Scott Richards for Commissioner Post 4 

Your Guide to the Post 4 Commissioner Election in Paulding County

As the election season heats up, the spotlight is on the candidates vying for the crucial position of Post 4 Commissioner in Paulding County. At Paulding County Uncensored, we’ve been inundated with questions about the candidates and their platforms from our engaged community members. However, we’re taking a neutral stance and leaving the decision-making process firmly in your hands.

We understand the importance of informed decision-making, which is why we urge you to delve deep into the backgrounds, policies, and visions of the candidates. Don’t rely solely on hearsay or endorsements from others; instead, take the time to explore their social media profiles, websites, and engage with them directly by asking pertinent questions.

With early voting just around the corner, running from June 10th to 14th at the Watson Government Complex – Courthouse, bottom floor, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., now is the time to make your voice heard. Look for the signs prominently displayed when you enter the premises to guide you to the voting area. GENERAL and SPECIAL Election Runn off Date: June 18, 2024.

Historically, voter turnout in our county has been low, and we anticipate a similar trend this time around. However, the decisions made by the Post 4 Commissioner will significantly impact our community’s future. They will work alongside other commissioners, shaping policies, managing resources, and making crucial decisions that affect us all.

Consider crucial factors such as whether the candidates have your best interests at heart, their level of expertise and knowledge, their ability to leverage connections for the benefit of the community, and their plans for managing finances and taxation. Commercial development, responsible budgeting, and fiscal transparency are just some of the key issues at stake.

It’s important to note that neither of the candidates has previously held political office, emphasizing the need for thorough scrutiny and careful consideration. Your vote is your voice, and it’s essential to show up and participate in the democratic process.

In conclusion, we encourage all residents to educate themselves, engage with the candidates, and cast their votes wisely. Let’s work together to shape the future of our beloved Paulding County. Remember, your vote matters, and together, we can make a difference.

Scott Richards’s Response to the Questionnaire

What are your plans for addressing the rising property taxes?

We need to get assessments in line with one another. The valuations are going up due to market conditions. There is a measure on the ballot in November to allow the State of Georgia to limit increases by 3% a year or use the CPI to come up with an acceptable increase due to inflation.

How will you ensure that the county’s budget is managed responsibly and that taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently?

By using my financial background in Planning and business and only making budgetary decisions that make sense for the betterment and protection of Paulding County.

What initiatives will you implement to enhance public safety and support our police, fire, and emergency services?

Start with bringing the salary and compensation package to retain the qualified public safety employees. Make sure all necessary equipment and training is available to make sure our Fire, Sheriff and Marshalls Depts are better equipped to handle the mission of the departments. We must maintain an ISO rating for our Fire Dept that allows our citizens to enjoy a lower insurance rate for their homes within the county.

Rental communities are becoming more common, and many residents are unhappy about their proliferation. How do you intend to manage this issue? Do you plan to restrict further development of rental communities or support their growth?

Rental communities are a national issue in the faster growing segments of the US. I want to say, I DO NOT LIKE THEM FOR MANY REASONS. First, the federal level is realizing that the Hedge Funds that buy out the developers are having a negative impact on artificially inflating the cost of homes. They are currently looking at addressing this at a national level. It’s becoming a monopoly with pricing which we can not tolerate. Hopefully, the state can get some form of legislation to address this. If not, maybe the federal level will. At the county level we just need to address variances and zoning requirements such as, Maintaining property management on site, stricter buffer setbacks with greenspace and fencing. Other municipalities are requiring them to be gated communities, security guards on site 24/7 and other varying requirements.  There is a property right issue involved which precedent has been set with other states with litigation that has gone all the way to the states supreme courts. Again, we need the federal government to address what the hedge funds are doing in inflating costs. If  a particular hedge fund decides to have a “fire sale” should the hedge fund become insolvent; it will  enormously impact the values in our homes in the surrounding area. I believe in a free market, however; any sort of business practice that could ultimately affect our community needs to be addressed at the appropriate level.

Have you considered leveraging technology to improve county services, communication, and report infrastructure issues?

I’m all for the most up to date technology being leveraged to support our county government. Each department has specific needs that would incorporate different forms of technology.

What connections do you have that could help bring more commercial development to Paulding County?

Being in the positions I served in business, church and volunteer organizations and being from this area all my life; I have the resources of business leaders, elected officials at state and federal level and investors that could be stakeholders in bringing development to Paulding County.

What are your plans for attracting new businesses to Post 4 while supporting existing local businesses?

Getting with Community Development at county and state level to market Paulding County. Locating and developing a plan to bring them to Paulding. We are the 2nd fastest growing county in Georgia. The 11th within the US. It can happen.

SPLOST Funds: There is concern about the use of SPLOST funds. Currently, some of this money is being allocated to build a new park, which many residents oppose since the county already has numerous parks, some of which are neglected. Additionally, there is frustration that SPLOST funds cannot be used for infrastructure improvements. How would you propose to use SPLOST funds effectively?

Splost funds must be used only for the reason the citizens voted to approve it. I would only vote to use splost for what it was approved for and only if it benefits the county.

How will you engage with the community to ensure their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed?

I will hold periodic meetings with constituents to inform and to receive feedback and concerns.

How do you plan to support local schools and ensure they have the resources needed to provide a high-quality education, especially with the schools becoming more crowded?

It is the job of the BOE to address the concerns of the schools in education and facilities. The BOC does need to collaborate with the BOE in planning for infrastructure needs including roads and sewage planning.

How do you plan to address environmental concerns, such as preserving green spaces and improving local air and water quality?

The watershed area must be maintained with green space and ensure no high-density development if any development.  I would like there to be green space requirements added to developments, ie parks, buffers and require any new development to cut for roads only. I would like to keep from doing clear cutting and let every lot stand for itself and not cut the topo to accommodate for only slab houses. This used to be the practice years ago.

Do you have any plans to improve or expand public transportation options in Paulding County? 

The current DOT study should identify roadway improvements needed. We need to obtain state and federal dollars to get projects started. I personally do not think the citizens of Paulding are ready for a bus system. It typically, to start, is not very friendly to the budget. It also has unintended consequences with population growth and those seeking multi-family housing. 

Lastly, please provide a closing statement on why we should choose you for the Post 4 Commissioner position.

From the very beginning of the campaign, I was the only candidate that understood what a commissioner was responsible for and knew the job. My background as a builder, business and public service gives me the advantage of being able to come to the table from day one and work well with the current commissioners with viable solutions and input to the issues that the county is facing. I’m the only candidate that is giving solutions to the issues. My current opponent has never addressed what he would do as of this date.  I want to say, this is my home. I want to maintain the beauty of Paulding and make it a place for our children and grandchildren to enjoy for years to come. I’m for you Paulding in doing the right things, the right way and with you in mind. Vote for Scott Richards for Paulding County Commissioner Post 4.  Thank you for your support.

Email: jsrichards.sr@gmail.com Website: Richards4Paulding.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richards4paulding


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